Educator Evaluation Training 2013 – Module 4 – Liberty
March 25, 2014
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Module 4 of 4: Evaluator Training and Feedback
March 25, 2014
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Module 4 training dates at Liberty Public Schools: Register for either March 25 or March 27.
Module 4 of the Missouri EES training series specifically supports Principles 5 and 6 of the seven required research based principles of an educator evaluation system.
Participants will:
*Understand how to develop a systematic training process for those doing the evaluating and those being evaluated.
*Develop a deeper understanding of the components which allow for meaningful and descriptive feedback.
*Develop a deeper understanding of components of evaluator training.
*Practice and reflect upon own skill set of giving meaningful, descriptive feedback and inter-rater reliability.
Each district may send five participants per module at no charge.
Additional participant fee or non-member participant fee: $60 per person.
Light breakfast and lunch will be provided.
Workshop Location:
Liberty Public Schools Board Room
650 Conistor Ln.
Liberty, MO 64068
Venue: Venue of Educator Evaluation Training 2013 - Module 4 - Liberty