Educator Evaluation Training 2013 – Module 1 – Blue Springs
September 20, 2013
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
September 20, 2013
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Module 1 training dates at Blue Springs School District: Register for either September 13 or September 20.
Module 1 of 4: Foundation
This first Missouri EES module will provide participants with the foundational information needed for a deeper understanding and implementation of the required seven Essential Principles of Effective Evaluation.
Participants will:
*Begin to formalize an action plan to either develop or expand a growth-mindset among staff
*Create a working plan for involving teachers more deeply in “understanding” the Missouri teacher standards and indicators
*Begin to construct a manageability plan for how educator evaluation could be conducted effectively within the time constraints of a school year
Each district may send five participants per module at no charge.
Additional participant fee or non-member participant fee: $60 per person.
Light breakfast and lunch will be provided.
Venue: Venue of Educator Evaluation Training 2013 - Module 1 - Blue Springs