CCSS Phase 3 Workshop – Formative Assessment Strategies
January 21, 2014
8:30 am - 3:30 pm
CCSS Phase 3 enrollment is only open to current Phase 3 participants. For enrollment, please check with your districts’ PDN Advisory Committee member.
January 21, 2014
Registration: 8:00 a.m.
Workshop: 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Presenter: Angela Faherty
This workshop engages participants in practical hands on formative strategies that can be used in the classroom on a daily basis. Angela Faherty has extensive background in curriculum, special education, and assessment. She served as Deputy when Sue Gendron served as Commissioner. She served as Commissioner for about 18 months during Sue Gendron’s absence. Angela most recently worked for the College Board prior to joining ICLE. Following is a link to a description of Angela Faherty’s work.
A light breakfast and lunch will be provided.
Workshop Location:
Community of Christ Auditorium
1001 W. Walnut
Independence, MO 64050
Venue: Venue of CCSS Phase 3 Workshop - Formative Assessment Strategies